From 40 to 2000 pieces we have a wide range of jigsaw sizes, but which one is right for you? It can be a daunting task picking what size to go for even as someone who has completed a good amount of puzzles I can find myself looking at 1000 piece jigsaws worryingly. If you find yourself asking 'how big is a 1000 piece jigsaw?', 'how long will a 500 piece jigsaw take?', 'do I need to be good at puzzles to do a 250 piece jigsaw?' then hopefully I can provide some answers for you.
Should I Get A 40-Piece Jigsaw?
We currently carry some Wentworth 40 piece jigsaws and these are lovely little puzzles that can be solved in around 10-20 minutes making them great for kids or beginners but also just if you want a quick activity before your next task to keep the mind going! The wooden pieces fit together really nicely and Wentworth put in some fun themed whimsys to make it more interesting. These puzzles run are roughly 8.7x12.5cm in size so nice and small and can be done almost anywhere with a decent flat surface. If you're looking for a serious challenge then you might want to consider the larger puzzles.
Explore our mini jigsaw puzzles here.
Should I Get A 250-Piece Jigsaw?
250 pieces is a big step up form the smaller jigsaws. We do carry some in between these sizes but they are not as common. Sizing on a 250-piece jigsaw can vary but on average you would be anywhere from 25 x 35cm to 30 x 45cm meaning that most coffee tables and desk areas should be able to accommodate this sizing. Taking anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on your level we would recommend this for beginner puzzlers who want their first taste of a larger jigsaw without too much commitment. With this being on the smaller side of your average jigsaw these puzzles usually have the biggest pieces so if that is a factor in what you are looking for in jigsaws I would recommend going for the 250 over 500 and especially the BIG or XL versions with the larger, more easy to handle pieces.
Find our smaller size of jigsaws here.
Should I Get A 500-Piece Jigsaw?
This is where we get into the more time-consuming jigsaws. Some brands such as House Of Puzzle on our site carry 500-piece jigsaws with extra large pieces which would be the exception to my statement at the end of the last section but for the most part, this is where the pieces will become smaller compared to the 250 area. Sizing will average around 46 x 61cm to 50 x 68cm meaning that this will be around the size where your puzzle area may start to struggle. If this is the case there are some good options for puzzle boards or puzzle mats that help keep the jigsaw contained and in the case of a puzzle mat can be condensed down for easier storage if you are using a dining table that needs to be free this is a great solution. Solve time on these can range from 1-4 hours which can be a big step up from some of the smaller sizes. We would recommend this for both beginners and seasoned jigsaw folk or if solving in a group this is a good size to have people working on sections without getting in the way of each other.
View our range of 500 piece jigsaws here.
Should I Get A 1000-Piece Jigsaw?
This is the bread and butter of the jigsaw world, it seems like a lot of companies thrive in the 1000-piece size which can be daunting but they are achievable and the satisfaction of finishing one is on a different level! Around 50 x 68cm to 61 x 76cm in sizing these are large and pieces are small making it perfect for experienced puzzlers or again in a group setting. The solve time on these will be in the area of 4-12 hours so it is a big step up in commitment but as I said the feeling of finishing one of these is great! For reference, we recently undertook a tricky 1000-piece jigsaw in the office and with three people dropping in and out it took us over 6 hours.
Certainly the most popular size of jigsaw and if you are happy to put some time in then we'd certainly recommend picking one up. A great way to enjoy some down time!
Browse our 1,000 piece jigsaws here.
Should I Get A 2000-Piece Puzzle?
Not for the faint-hearted, these puzzles can run up to 1 meter in length meaning that you will need to find a very clear surface that you won't mind it being on for at least a couple of days if lucky. With a rough estimate of 15-40 hours of solving time, this is not one to try and defeat in a day. We would recommend this for experienced and avid puzzlers who are ready to take on a big challenge. These puzzles could be done in a group setting but I think that the length of time it could take would be off-putting if you didn't finish the puzzle as a group you would be left a little disappointed.
Find our range of 2000 piece jigsaws here.
In summary, jigsaws are subjective and it's just about how much time you are willing to commit to finishing them. If you have seen a puzzle and love the image but are afraid of committing due to size I wouldn't let it put you off as long as you keep at it all jigsaws are achievable and I look forward to doing many more myself!