As the woolens come out, fires started and candles lit once again, it must mean winter is here. Christmas is drawing nearer and people are thinking of gifts to give loved ones as the 25th seems to accelerate towards us. Inevitably Black Friday sales are announced and some dubious discounts appear at the end of October.
This Black Friday Weekend
Puzzles make for great gifts, even if we do say so ourselves, and we find ourselves (as most retailers do) gearing up to send out lots of presents to be. However we've never really got ourselves involved in the Black Friday storm. Perhaps we're naive and missing a simple business hack and next year you'll be welcomed to our 'Biggest Ever Sale' but we like to think in the long run it'll seem like the right choice.
No discounts, I can't get 120% off my order? What is this blog about then I hear you ask?

Our Plan
Well instead of discounts we are giving 10% of all sales from Friday to Sunday to charity. It's something we've done in previous years and honestly it feels pretty good to do. This year we have chosen the Helen Keller Intl foundation. Scoring very highly on effectiveness, over $0.80 in the dollar goes into their programs aimed at preventing malnutrition and improving healthcare in 20 countries. With more than 1 billion people in world suffering from preventable tropical diseases and 783 million people facing chronic hunger it seems like a really worthy cause to align ourselves with.
So this weekend please, do buy puzzles! We're sure you'll love them. And if you have already, thank you. We're looking forward to doing some good in a few days time.
You can read more about Helen Kellr Intl here.